Saturday, March 13, 2010

Creme fraiche

We here it from the mouths of famous chefs, tvs, and see it on the top restaurants in the world, but do we actually have it in our kitchens?

For the majority of us the answer for us is no, and then a feeling of "I wish I had some."
Well, lucky for us creme fraiche can be made in the comfort of our homes! I have to admit, in the beginning the process of making it feels "weird."  But after you successfully made it, the process seems normal and routine.
Here is a recipe for creme fraiche.

Creme Fraiche

Things you will need:
1. Digital thermometer
2. 3 cups of Heavy whipping cream
3. 3 table spoons worth of butter milk
4. Medium size stainless steel bowl
5. Plastic wrap
6. Small pot to heat cream and butter milk

1. Add 3 cups of heavy cream and 3 tablespoons of buttermilk together in small sauce pot. 
2.Gently, (I mean really gently, the lowest setting on your stove), bring to 110 degrees F.
3. Remove and put in a stainless steel bowl and loosely cover with plastic wrap.
4. Leave out at room temp for 8 to 24 hours (this is the weird part).
5. wait 8 hours and check if cream has thickened. If not stir and give it another 8 hours and stir. Repeat process till desired thickness is met.
6. After thick then keep in fridge. Will keep to 3 to five days.
7. Should taste like a nutty, mild sour cream

Helpful hints/things to know.

1. You're basically making a French sour cream, which is similar to making a cheese.
2. Once it hits 110 degrees put immediately into bowl, if you go over you might kill buttermilk cultures.
3. Leave out at room temperature, if you live in a warm place 70-80 degrees that is ideal.
4. You might want to start it in the morning because if left over night temp might drop to low and result in cultures not being active.
5. Yes, it feels funny and wrong, but you have to leave it out at room temp.
6. If you think that you killed the cultures or the cream is not thickening fast enough, reheat to 110 and add more butter milk, (the ratio is 1 tablespoon of buttermilk to 1 cup of heavy cream).
7. You cannot do this with half and half or milk, you have to do it with heavy cream.

Watch this video for accurate tutorial.....yes it is the man! Ming Tsai. Enjoy

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