Thursday, June 10, 2010

Gnocchi-My own recipie

1           Pound potatoes russets
1/2        Cup flour
1           Egg Yolk (local medium egg)
1           Pinch of Salt

Makes enough for 2-3 people


  1. Bring water to simmer and place whole potatoes inside
  2. set timer for about 20-30 minutes
  3. Pull Potatoes out, peel off skin while holding it with towel, and Rice potatoes while hot. (if no ricer use a cheese grater or push through strainer using back of spoon).
  4. Let potatoes steam and slightly cool, put egg yolk inside and sprinkle on flour like snow on a mountain.
  5. Mix till it comes together and wallah! you got gnocchi dough.
  6. * hint if dough is too sticky that means you can add a small amount of flour more, a table spoon or so. But don't add a lot of flour! It makes your gnocchi gummy. No bueno! 
Watch videos on gnocchi for the rest or read other parts of the blog labeled gnocchi.

Buon appetito!

Gnocchi With tomato sauce, finished with cheese.

Sage and brown butter Gnocchi

Both on a Plate with Salad :)

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